Saturday, January 21, 2012

So guys, how do i get him back ?

Ever since i saw movies like... white oleander and how to deal...i've wanted a boy just like paul, or whoevr the guy in that movie was...but you get the point i wanted a best friend guy like that, the retarded thing is i screwed that up without even noticing it...i mean he's been there this whole time, and i've never relized it at all, i just kinda wrote him off as stalkerish or really creepy...but he wasnt being at all he was just doing what no1s ever done for me...been intrested in who i really was, and wanted to hangout with me and find out about all my funny quirks n even when i was mean he kept coming back trying to ge into my crowd and be a fried n when i was sad n really down he was there to do sumting retarded just to cheer me up..n when everyone would leave n do there own thing he came to where ever i was no matter how bad i was at my new found sport to cheer me on, even when his friends laughed at me, till i blew it, one comment about us being good togetherfrom one of his friends freaked me out n yes i got up n made a stupid scene half joking like a shouldnt have n in front of all his friends i said thats the stupidest thing ive ever heard n was all eww no...n left him there with all his friend doing that retarded guy "oooooo burn " thing...n even thought he wont admitt it i know i hurt him...he went on being my friend for the last week of skate youth n now he makes no effort ever to talk to me even when i talk to him...i dont know what to do to get him back...n i misss him soooo much...

So guys, how do i get him back ?
You can start by eating some humble pie, sitting him down and apologizing, not just for insulting him, but doing it in front of his friends.

Then you can finish it up by telling him waht you want, just like you told us in here.

Don't exagerate, just tell him what it is you want, you might be pleasantly surprised....:)
Reply:well, if you get him back, its gonna be diffrent. he wont talk to you as much and hes gonna want to give you a lot more space to avoid this from happening again. i think you need to see him in person with out all the instagators and lay it all out on the table. it sounds like youve fallen for him after you lost him and that sucks so im sorry. i hope you get it figured out. couldn't have done a better job if you'd quite literally stuck a knife in his back and twisted. Guys are REALLY perceptive toward what a girl really thinks of them, and the decent ones take something like you said as an absolute get-the-hell-away-from-me rejection. Apologize, do it privately to him, and tell him you regretted it immediately after because that's not what you meant. Then make a point of hanging tight with him in front of his friends. Good luck to both of you.
Reply:I have the best answer to your problem. Be there for him. Go out of your way to let him know how much you care for him. Maybe go out to eat or a movie. Explain to him how you feel. Do something retarted to cheer him up. I would especially do it when he's around the same group of friends you embarrassed him around.

Even though you may embarrass yourself, look how many times he has done it for you! The guy sounds like he cares for ya. Let him know how much care. Be there for him like he was there for you! I know you can win him doing the same goofy things he has done for you to show you he cared!
Reply:You don't. YOu never get a guy back. They don't go backwards in relationships. What you'll get is a guy who has the upper hand on you because he knows you'll do ANYTHING

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