Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What kind of palm trees can I plant for privacy in Zone 9 California Desert?

I live in zone 9, very dry. We had a crazy winter 2 years ago causing my new neighbor to cut down their oleanders to our 5 ft fence height and now we can see everything each other does. So I decided it is time to put in my own shrubs. Anyway where can I get some affordable palms that are hardy to this dry area? Yes I can water. I don't want huge palms I actually like those skinny leaf palms with out the spikes, but don't know what they are called. Any suggesttions please?

What kind of palm trees can I plant for privacy in Zone 9 California Desert?
Better to put nice quality lemon, lime and orange plants in close proximity and trim them will serve your purpose as well you will have the best fruits for your good health and longevity, tree ripe is different then the store ripe and insecticide sprayed fruit
Reply:Thank you. Report It
Reply:oleanders are very rapid growing plants so they should be back to there original hight in like 2-3 years


What's the best lowgrowing shrub that wont kill my dog if she eats it?

I have a chocolate lab that tries to eat everything new in the yard, and I want to landscape in spite of her. Oleanders, elephant ears, azaleas, berry-bearing hollys are all out. What else is there?

What's the best lowgrowing shrub that wont kill my dog if she eats it?
Since "Granny" is dissing everyone, it's interesting that she lists my resource!

This list is from a pet information site and a reliable source for safety. A list of "do not" plants that are poisonous will not cover plants that are not pet friendly. All of the plants on THIS list are not poisonous to pets! Check out my source at the bottom for more great info on pet friendly yards!!



Acorn squash

African violet


Aluminum plant


American rubber

Anthericum comosum

Antirrhinum multiflorum

Arabian gentian


Artillery plant

Aspidium falcatum


Autumn olive


Bachelors buttons

Ball fern


Bamboo palm

Bamboo vine


Banana squash

Begonia species

Belmore sentry palm

Big shellbark hickory

Bitter pecan


Black haw

Black hawthorn

Blaspheme vine


Blooming sally


Blue bead

Blue daisy

Blue echeveria


Blue-eyed daisy

Blunt leaf peperomia

Blushing bromeliad

Bold sword fern

Boston fern


Bottle Palm

Brazilian orchid

Bride's bonnet

Bristly greenbrier

Broom hickory

Brodiaea pulchella

Butterfly ginger

Butterfly iris


Bur gourd

Burro's tail

Buttercup squash

Butterfly squash



Calathea insignis

Calthea lancifolia

California pitcher plant

Callistemon bradyandrus

Callistemon viminalis

Callistemon citrinus

Calochortus nuttalli


Canada hemlock

Canary date palm

Candle plant

Candycorn plant

Canna lily


Cape jasmine

Cape primrose


Carob tree



Carolina hemlock

Carrion flower

Carrot flower

Carrot fern

Casaba melon

Cast Iron plant

Cat brier

Cat ear

Cattleya labiata

Celosia globosa

Celosia plumosa

Celosia spicata



Chenille plant



Chickens and hens


China aster

China root

Chinese plumbago


Chlorophytum bechetii

Chocolate soldier

Christmas dagger

Christmas palm

Christmas orchid





Cliff brake

Cocks comb

Cocktail orchid

Collinia elegans



Common camellia

Common catbrier

Common garden canna

Common greenbrier

Common snapdragon

Common staghorn fern

Confederate jasmine



Copper rose


Coral bells



Crape myrtle

Crataegus phaenopyrum

Crataegus spp.

Creeping charlie

Creeping gloxinia

Creeping mahonia

Creeping pilea

Creeping rubus

Creeping zinnia

Crepe myrtle

Crimson bottlebush

Crimson cup

Crisped feather fern



Cushon aloe

Cushion moss

Cyrtudeira reptans



Dainty rabbits-foot fern

Dallas fern

Dancing doll orchid

Davallia bullata mariessi

Davallia trichomanoides

Desert trumpet


Dichorisandra reginae

Dinteranthus vanzylii

Duffii fern

Duffy fern

Dwarf date palm

Dwarf feather fern

Dwarf palm

Dwarf Rose-Stripe Star

Dwarf royal palm

Dwarf whitman fern


Earth star

Easter cattleya

Easter daisy

Easter lily cactus

Easter orchid

Edible banana

Elephant-Ear Begonia

Emerald ripple peperomia

English hawthorn

Epidendrum atropurpeum

Epidendrum ibaguense


Episcia spp.


False aralia

Fairy fountain

Fan tufted palm

Feather fern

Feathered amaranth

Fiery reed orchid

Fig leaf gourd

Figleaf palm

Fingernail plant

Fire weed

Fish tail fern

Flame african violet

Flame of the woods

Flame violet

Florida butter-fly orchid

Fluffy ruffles

Forster sentry palm

Fortunes palm

Freckle face

Friendship plant



Garden marigold

Garden snapdragon

German violet


Ghost leafless orchid

Ghost plant

Giant aster

Giant holly fern

Giant white inch plant

Gibasis geniculata

Globe thistle


Gold bloom

Gold-fish plant

Golden bells

Golden lace orchid

Golden shower orchid

Good luck palm

Grape hyacinth

Grape Ivy

Great willow herb

Green ripple peperomia




Hardy baby tears

Hardy gloxinia


Haws apple



Hedgehog gourd


Hemlock tree

Hen and chickens fern

Hens and chickens


Hindu rope plant


Holly fern


Honey locust

Honey plant

Honeydew melons

Honeysuckle fuchsia

Hookera pulchella

Horse brier

Hoya carnosa 'exotica'

Hoya carnosa 'krinkle'

Hoya carnosa 'variegata'

Hoya 'Mauna Loa'

Hubbard squash

Hypocyrta spp.


Ice plant

Imbricata sword fern

Irish moss

Iron cross begonia

Iron tree

Ivy peperomia

Ivy-leaf peperomia


Jackson brier

Jacob's ladder

Japanese aralia

Japanese holly fern

Japanese moss

Japanese pittosporum


Jewel orchid

Joseph's coat

Jungle geranium



Kahali ginger

Kenilworth ivy

Kentia palm

Kenya palm

Kenya violet


King nut

King of the forest

King and queen fern

Kuang-yen- pa-hsieh


Lace flower vine

Lace orchid

Ladies ear drops

Lady lou

Lady palm

Lagerstroemia indica

Lance Pleumele


Lady Palm

Laurel-leaved greenbrier

Leather peperomia

Leng-fen tu'an

Leopard lily

Leopard orchid

Lesser snapdragon

Lily of the valley orchid


Lipstick plant

Little zebra plant

Little fantasy peperomia

Living rock cactus

Living stones

Locust pods




Madagascar jasmine

Magnolia bush

Mahonia aquifolium

Malabar gourd

Malaysian dracaema

Manila palm

Mapleleaf begonia


Marbled fingernail

Mariposa lily



Measles plant


Metallic peperomia

Metallic leaf begonia

Mexican firecracker

Mexican rosettes

Mexican snowballs

Miniature date palm

Minature fish tail

Minature maranta

Minature marble plant

Mistletoe cactus

Mockernut hickory

Mosaic plant

Mosiac vase

Moss agate

Moss campion

Moss fern

Moss phlox

Moss rose

Mossy campion

Mother fern

Mother spleenwort

Mother of pearl

Mountain camellia

Mountain grape

Mulberry bush greenbrier

Mulberry tree

Musa paradisiaca

Muscari armeniacum

Muscari spp.



Narrow leafed pleomele

Natal plum

Neanthe bella palm

Nematanthus spp.




Nerve plant

New silver and bronze

Night blooming cereus


Odontoglossum spp.

Old man cactus

Old world orchid

Orange star

Oregon grape

Ossifragi vase


Paddys wig

Painted lady

Palm lily

Pampus grass


Pansy orchid

Paradise palm

Parlor palm

Parlor plant

Parsley fern

Peace begonia

Peacock plant

Pearl plant

Pearly dots

Peperomia hederifolia

Peperomia peltifolia

Peperomia rotundifolia

Peperomia sandersii

Pepper face

Persian violet

Pheasant plant

Piggy back plant

Pigmy date palm


Pignut hickory

Pilea microphylla

Pilea mucosa

Pink Brocade

Pink Pearl

Pink polka dot plant

Pink starlite



Plantanus orientalis

Plantanus occidentalis

Platinum peperomia

Platycerium alicicorne

Plumbago larpentiae

Plush plant

Polka dot plant

Polystichum falcatum

Pony tail

Porcelain flower

Pot marigold

Prairie lily

Prairie snowball

Prayer plant

Prickly bottlebrush

Prostrate coleus

Purple baby tears

Purple passion vine

Purple waffle plant

Purpleosier willow


Queen's spiderwort


Queens spiderwort

Queensland arrowroot


Rabbits foot fern

Rainbow orchid

Red african violet

Red berried greenbrier

Red edge peperomia

Red hawthorne

Red palm lily

Red veined prayer

Reed palm

Resurrection lily

Rex begonia


Ribbon plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

Roosevelt fern

Royal velvet plant

Rubber plant, baby

Russian olive


Saffron spike zebra

Saint Bernards lily

Sand lily

Sand verbena

Satin pellionia



Scarborough lily

Scarlet orchid

Scarlet sage

Sego lily

Shagbark hickory

Shan ku'ei-lai

Shellbark hickory

Shiny leaf smilax

Shrimp cactus

Silver bell

Silver berry

Silver heart

Silver-leaf peperomia

Silver nerve plant

Silver pink vine

Silver star

Silver table fern

Silver tree anamiga

Slender deutzia

Small fruited hickory

Smilax tamnoides vas

Speckled wood lily

Spice orchid

Spider ivy

Spider plant

Spotted laurel


Squirrels foot fern

Star jasmine

Star lily

Star plant

Star tulip

Star window plant


Striped blushing

Sugar pods

Sulfur flower

Summer hyacinth

Swedish ivy

Sweetheart hoya

Sweetheart peperomia

Sweet william

Sword fern


Tahitian bridal veil

Tailed orchid

Tall feather fern

Tall mahonia

Teasel gourd

Texas sage

Thea japonica

Thimble cactus

Thorn apple

Ti hu-ling

Tiger orchid

Toad spotted cactus

Torch lily


Trailing peperomia

Tree cactus

Tree gloxinia

Tropical moss

True cantalope

Tu fu-ling

Tulip poplar

Tulip tree

Turban squash

Turf lily


Umbrella plant

Urbinia agavoides

Usambara violet


Variegated laurel

Variegated oval leaf peperomia

Variegated philodendron leaf

Variegated wandering jew

Variegated wax plant

Velvet plant

Venus fly trap

Verona fern

Verona lace fern

Vining peperomia

Violet slipper gloxinia


Waffle plant

Walking anthericum

Washington hawthorn

Water hickory

Watermelon begonia

Watermelon peperomia

Watermelon pilea

Wax plant

Wax rosette

Weeping bottlebrush

Weeping sergeant hemlock


West indian gherkin

Western sword

White ginger

White edged swedish ivy

White heart hickory

Whitman fern

Wild buckwheat

Wild buckwheat

Wild hyacinth

Wild lantana

Wild sarsaparilla

Wild strawberry

Willow herb

Windmill palm

Winter cattleya

Withered snapdragon



Yellow bloodleaf

Yellow-flowered gourd

Yerba linda


Zebra haworthia

Zebra plant

Zinnia sp.

Zucchini squash

Check out my source for more info on dog friendly yards:
Reply:It will probably be easier to read the list of what NOT to plant and then go from there.


Animal Poison Control Center

Toxic PlantsThis list contains plants that have been reported as having systemic effects on animals and/or intense effects on the gastrointestinal tract.



Non Poisonous Plants for Dogs and Cats


Don't take the advice of any of the experts in this category in Yahoo! Answers sometimes they just put an answer.

Follow the directions of the real experts above.
Reply:Try something hardy and WOODY. Also, don't let your dog outside too much. Get it to a park. Grass plants can't hurt either.
Reply:boxwood and is easily shaped

Survey: Bailing wire and duct tape or protractor and contractor?

Bailing wire and duct tape or protractor and contractor

NASCAR or Formula One

Exotic Palms or Oleanders

Roses or Lillis

Ice road truckers and Deadliest Catch or House and Bones

BBQ Ribs or Duck Ala Ronge

Skate boards or Mopeds

Laptop or Desktop

Apple or Dell or Sony

Freestyle or Precise

Read directions or don't usually need them

Hot dogs and hamburgers or Thai, Italian and Mexican food

Very clean house or looks lived in

White walls or full of color

The big chair of the couch

Nickelback or Beatles

Survey: Bailing wire and duct tape or protractor and contractor?
anything with duct tape




deadliest catch






don't need them

dogs and burgers

lived in

white with lots of stuff on them

big ol soft couch

Reply:Protractor and contractor

Formula One



House and Bones

Duck Ala Ronge


Laptop with a docking port, full size monitor, and ergonomic keyboard for when I'm home.



Read directions

Hamburgers and Italian and Mexican food...sorry, you can keep the hot dogs and Thai food.

Very clean house as long as I don't have to clean it.

Full Color

The big chair

Reply:bailing wire and duct tape


exotic palms


House and bones

BBQ Ribs... definately





don't read directions... just wing it

Thai, ITALIAN, and mexican food... i LOVE Italian food

looks lived in ... unless you wanna clean it for me :)

COLOR!!!!! ...white is tooo boring

The big chair ... mine is actually quite comfy( squishy leather)

Nickelback ... but the Beatles are good too...
Reply:Bailing wire and duct tape or protractor and contractor...contractor

NASCAR or Formula One... f/o

Exotic Palms or Oleanders... oleanders

Roses or Lillis.... roses

Ice road truckers and Deadliest Catch or House and Bones....House no bones

BBQ Ribs or Duck Ala Ronge...... BBQ

Skate boards or Mopeds .... boards

Laptop or Desktop.... desk

Apple or Dell or Sony.... Sony

Freestyle or Precise.... precise

Read directions or don't usually need them..... read, eventually

Hot dogs and hamburgers or Thai, Italian and Mexican food ....Mexican

Very clean house or looks lived in.... lived in

White walls or full of color.... white

The big chair of the couch ..... big chair

Nickelback or Beatles.... Beatles
Reply:1) Protrator and contractor, hopefully hot looking.

2) Nascar

3) Exotic Palms


5) House and Bones

6) BBq Ribs

7) Moped

8) Desktop

9) Dell

10) Freestyle

11) Thai, Italian, and Mexican

12) Looks lived in

13) Different colors, soothing

14) The couch

15) Beatles

Reply:Bailing wire and duct tape


Exotic Palms


House and Bones

BBQ Ribs





Read directions (I read, hubby THINKS he doesn't need them) - must be why we stay lost in a new city

Hot dogs and hamburgers

looks lived in

full of color

The big chair

Reply:Answers to questions:

Bailing wire and duct tape


Exotic Palms

Neither - Mimosa and Honeysuckle!

House and Bones

BBQ Ribs



Neither - HP


don't usually need them

Hot dogs and hamburgers

looks lived in

full of color

The big chair

Reply:Protractor and contractor

Formula One

Oleanders (have a bunch in the yard)


House %26amp; Bones

BBQ Ribs





Don't read directions unless desperate

Hot dogs and hamburgers

Looks lived in

White walls

Big chair

Reply:I stopped after graduating from college to become a teacher. So, I'll accept bailing wire and duct tape any day



















































WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PERFUME/COLOGNE???? I just bought Azuree Soleil tonight and it smells great.....yours?

I just bought some new perfumes.... one of them is azuree soleil it kind of smelles like oleanders......its made by estee lauder. Other perfumes I bought were britney spears newest...2007 addition, (which I am going to take back.....it seems to smell different on paper than on me) and "diamonds" by giorgio armani...a very light fragrance. So have any of you people tried these fragrances???

If NOT......What is your favorite PERFUME??? or COLOGNE??? :)

My all time favorite is "HOT COUTURE" by Givenche :P

Thanks !!

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PERFUME/COLOGNE???? I just bought Azuree Soleil tonight and it smells great.....yours?
Mine are (in order of preference)

1. Givenche Organza Indecence (discontinued but I stocked up)

2. Jean Paul Gaultier Classique

3. Burberry Brit

4. Giorgio Armani Sensi
Reply:i love 'catsuit'

its cheap but it smells really really lovely
Reply:lacoste red cologne
Reply:i like sweet p from the mall. god, that stuff smells absolutely amazing!!!
Reply:i just bought the new marc jacobs "daisy" perfume. it smells so good!
Reply:davidoff collection
Reply:Armani Mania
Reply:I don't really have an expensive taste when it comes to perfume, but I do love a really nice fragrance. My favorite is white cherry blossom from Bath and Body. If you have not smelled it, you need to. I love it. I always get compliments on how good I smell. I get even more when people find out the price.
Reply:Chance by Channel!
Reply:red by gorgio
Reply:L'Eau d'Issey by Issey Miyake

Build over existing retaining wall?

We have a cinder block wall about 50 feet long by 3-4 feet high as a retainer. The wall has been leaning forward for several years. We talked to our landscape person and he said he could put a river rock retainer with concrete over the existing cinder block wall to hold the old wall in place and give it some opposing resistance. The river rock retainer will also be dug down 1 or 1 1/2 feet with under the ground foundation. We went to his house and he showed that he did it with his old cinder block wall and it looks incredible. In your opinion, do you think that this is okay to do. Is there anything we should make sure of before we do this? We dont want to spend 20K ripping the old one out when we could just retain this one with the new river rock wall. Also, the wall had a bunch of oleanders on it and other trees which we are having taken out as we speak.

Build over existing retaining wall?
My Grandfather with my brothers help built over a retaining wall. At the base they made it about 3 feet thick then tapered it thinner as it went up. We live in Earthquake prone California. The building inspector said it would take a quake large enough to level the entire town before that wall could ever sustain damage.
Reply:The wall was built in 1965-in San Fernando, CA. and was not damaged in the 1971 earthquake centered in Sylmar (2 miles away) or the 1994 Northridge quake. It is still doing the job with no damage to this date. Report It
Reply:sounds like he know what he's doing.
Reply:I believe that this could be done and have a fine result. You just make certain that your contractor is licensed and insured.


Ground cover ideas needed?

We just got done remodleing our pool area which involved hauling out a lot of river rock and getting rid of small palms around the pool to open it up. Now all we have is dirt.

My hubby doesn't want grass, too much maintenance. No fake grass, it's too expensive %26amp; the oleanders shedding would be messy. No gravel b/c it will hurt your feet barefoot.

He wants decomposed gravel - but I do not b/c it will still get muddy if it rains.

Any ideas out there?

Ground cover ideas needed?
Try about 4"- 6" of premium cypris mulch over a ground facric. Create a meandering pathway to the pool using cobblestones. The cobblestoned would actually be good for barefooting on because in many parts of the world, reflexology paths and “barefoot parks” are becoming very popular because they offer feet a chance to experience varieties of textured surfaces. In addition to biomechanical advantages of regular barefoot exercising, many holistic health practitioners believe the tactile stimulation underfoot while walking barefoot on natural surfaces has positive effects on body, mind and spirit.
Reply:Mexican heather is a great ground covering and grows hearty with very little care..spreads nice and are small plants with tons of little purple/pinkish flowers on it..alot of malls use these for thier landscaping..


Reply:carpet of snow ground cover

stays close to the ground like ivy and has thousand of flowers

comes in white,pink and red

chokes out weeds and grows fast [Ohio]
Reply:I love my bugelweed (ajuga reptans)...it's hardy....comes back each year...has great color....and grows without much maintenance!

This year I got Lamium Maculatum in Beacon Silver....ooooh, it's very pretty and needs little care also...

They both bloom in purple and are perenials...
Reply:If you were to put down some landscaping fabric around the pool than take some bags of leveling sand poured out over the fabric. The out come will be that the sand shouldn't wash away if you boarder it, you'll have no weeds and your feet won't hurt. Maintence free
Reply:These are the ground covers on my property. I live in Zone 7.

1. Vinca. I have periwinkle vinca. http://www.forde-nursery.com/images/pere... http://tncweeds.ucdavis.edu/esadocs/vinc... varieties ike sun, some like shade.

2. Monkey grass, mondo grass, liriope (call it what you want!). Many different colors, sizes, sun/shade. http://www.hsv-life.com/house/landscape/... Can be planted thinly or thickly. I interperse mine with small boulders for more interest.

3. Ajuga. Shade plant, so may not be suitable. Spreads rapidly. http://www.evergreennurseryinc.net/plant... http://www.danielleblog.com/archives/aju...

In addition, the following website is an excellent source for ground covers: http://pubs.caes.uga.edu/caespubs/pubcd/...
Reply:I really like Mondo grass (Ophiopogon species). It can get expensive in large plantings, but you never have to cut it. You didn't say how much sun you have or how much foot traffic the area will take. Mondo is tolerant of foot traffic once it is established. Other ground covers are pachysandra, liriope, ajuga, and vinca minor. These aren't as good for traffic areas.
Reply:You can do a outdoor tile all around it.

Drug addict/eating disordered friend?

I've known this girl for a few years and we haven't talked much in the past few years because of a very complicated sitution but she does every type of drug except meth and has been in and out of rehab two times for an eating disorder and ate white oleanders to get out one of the seven times

she just doesn't have a reason to live and i wish i could give her one but life pretty much sucks especially for her, she had it pretty rough growing up, no longer has a college fund because of rehab and has failed ninth grade a few times because of absences anyway

but im talking to her and i suppose just giving her a semi-good influence helps but i would like some imput in what advice i could give her in getting clean, obviously normal programs don't help, shes been on methadone and lithium and just uses them as a supplement to her habits

what can i say to help her? why shouldn't she stay on them honestly? when you think about it. she doesn't care if she dies and can't handle pain

Drug addict/eating disordered friend?
I wish there was a good answer for your question. I wish there was some magical thing you could say to someone you love and they would quit hurting themselves. Just continue to be her friend and let her know you are their for her if and when she chooses to get help. My sister was a cocaine and heroin addict she died last year from an overdose of cocaine before she died she was in and out of rehabs at one point (when she was sober) she wrote a poem about her addiction. It is a really good poem it is posted on her website http://www.ken.malott.com/bridget/bridge... . You can try showing her this website and this poem if you want.My sister was also bipolar and used street drugs to self medicate. ufourtantley if your friend doesn't stop she will end up dead. Good Luck. I know first hand how hard it is to watch someone you love kill themselves.
Reply:unfortunately drug addiction and recovery is really a lonesome disease, no one can really pull you up but you. Make sure she has access to people who have dealt with addiction themselves and just be there as a friend when she needs one. If you get too deeply involved with her recovery and she slips she will take you down a bit too.
Reply:You can't change people. It is her life and her choices.
Reply:I think that all you can do is be there for her. It's hard to understand a person's motivations for the way they live, and there is no textbook answer because every person is unique. You maybe could find a group like Codependent Anonymous, or al-anon that could give you a little bit of insight. Also, try your local county mental health unit. They may have a counselor that can steer you in the right direction.

What you have to remember is this-In your head, you are being a good influence, but maybe not in hers. I've been in similar situations (both sides of it) and sometimes the stability that you offer actually enables this kind of lifestyle. I did some stupid things when I was young, and I used people that thought they were being my friends by trying to be a good influence. Now that I've grown up, I can see what was going on, and see when somebody is using me for a place to stay, or a meal, or somewhere to go hide for a while. I kindly but firmly let these people know that I am here for them, but won't be taken advantage of.

I am glad that you are trying to help your friend, but it is a rocky path that you are on, so please get professional advice.
Reply:Yeah! I two did the drug thing but you know what? YOUR FRIEND WILL NEVER AND I MEAN NEVER FIND HAPPINESS AND RELEASE FOR PAIN THAT WAY!!!!!!!!!

I found that I did the drug thing and the next day and the many days and months after that I realized that my problems in life WHERE STILL THERE!? I would first suggest to you to tell your friend to be truthful about her situation and find a drug de-tox place somewhere in your own town. She is going to find that this is pure hell but, after de-tox she is going to find it makes a big difference! Second, Know she probably feels her Life doesn't have a purpose probably because of some of the problems she has in countered in her past! I believe after she goes thou de-tox it would be important to ask her if she would be willing to see a priest or a christian counselor about her painful past. I think that she needs to start forgiving all of the people that have hurt her and renounce them in Jesus name! A priest or some Church's even have christian counselors that would be able to assist you and her. You would make the calls to some of the Church's in your area to see if they offer christian counseling services. But first she has to work herself off the drugs and only then if she is honest about all the people that hurt her and wants to release her pain from her past only then would I call some of the Church's. I tell you what progress will she make by just stays in her house or other peoples houses, feeling sorry for herself and getting high!? Ask her does she want a REAL HIGH!? Then I challenge her to get HIGH ON THE HOLY SPIRIT OF JESUS CHRIST!!!!!! I challenge her to make something out of her life and be a role model to someone!First before I say anything more I would like to recommend two books to you for her for finding purpose in your life! (After of course she decides drugs aren't the best way to live and she chooses to make something out of her life.) I recommend reading: 1. The Purpose Driven Life. by Rick Warren 2002 and 2. Your Best Life Now by Joel Osteen 2004. Yes! I have been though depression and drugs! She got to understand there is no easy way out even if she decides to end her life. I also believe the reason she feels so depressed and she needs drugs is because her heart is feeling that something is missing. I believe that something is the love of God and Jesus Christ! The Bible says that you were created to have a fellowship with God, and to have Him at the center of your life, NOT DRUGS!. Did your friend know God loves her and values her! "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son Jesus, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."(John 3:16)Know apart from Jesus Christ, the Bible tells us, we are "harassed and helpless, like sheep with out a shepherd" (Matt 9:36). But God loves us, and one reason he has allowed her to have this feeling of emptiness in her heart is that He loves her and wants her to seek him and have a relationship with him. No matter how hard we try or what means we use--material possessions, money, pleasure, drugs, or whatever--the emptiness is still there. The thing is that if you let your emptiness go this leads into depression AND MORE DRUG USE! How do I know this? Because I have dealt with that empty feeling, life with no purpose or meaning and eventually depression and drugs. The three things that really turned my life around was: 1. Knowing that God and Jesus Loved me and I was valued! 2. Knowing I had people on my side at church, in my social life and in my family that cared about me! and 3. I had to get myself out of the atmosphere that I was in! When you put yourself in line with what God has for you, then you will see yourself back with a renewed joy! That also means changing the atmosphere were she buys her drugs and where she uses her drugs! I would not be telling her this if I had not experienced what she feels for myself! Know down inside her, she is really looking for love and happiness but she will never find it the way she is living right now. God created her, and God loves her. His only Son, Jesus Christ, loved her so much that he gave His life on the cross so she could be saved and break free from in perfectness, sin and this empty feeling to become a child of God. When you accept Jesus Christ into your life, something wonderful and supernatural happens. God Himself comes to dwell within you! You become part of His family, and you can know the joy of His presence every day. The Bible says: "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you" (Hebrews 13:5). She may ask "where was God in the my bad times in my life!". I tell you He was there! The fact of the matter is that we all make bad choices in life, or others make bad choices in life! But the thing is that we don't have to live like that for the future! As a christian I know that Church is a excellent place to meet people that might of once felt the way your friend does now with no purpose and they might tell her how they now live for Jesus and how they have found that purpose like me. Not only at church service but a lot of church's have activities like support groups, single events and small groups like bible study! Not only will she be meeting new people and developing relationships with them, she will be also be developing a relationship with God and Jesus by learning what the word of God (the Bible) has to offer her in her life. The fact of the matter is she needs to put herself in a new atmosphere with de-tox,forgiveness and by building a personal relationship with God! I battled though depression and drugs! So, I felt like life was just one, big black, end less, tunnel that I felt so alone and that no one valued me and my only release from anxiety was drugs! Which is not true! I later found out that I was valued! I was valued by Jesus because he gave his life on the cross for me! and in essence I was carrying my own cross and Jesus said "let me carry that for a while and you put your faith in me and I will bring you hope for the future and a future partner!" You know what? He did! Now am happily married to the woman of my dreams! I will be praying for you and your friend! I would encourage you if you know Jesus to pray for your friend that she may come to realize that she doesn't want to live life like this! I pray that one day she might find happiness and love in a purpose filled life in Jesus! May God Bless you and your friend! In Jesus Name Amen
Reply:Maybe your friend should be checked for a bipolar disorder or tested for depression. If this is part of the problem, they can put her on meds to help. There is also a drug that can be given to her to help her so she can't get high off of certain drugs.
Reply:You are very much describing a person I know, a drug addict girl. Did constantly pretty much every single drug except heroin n meth. Cocaine + pills was daily used, weighed 85 pounds... in and out of rehab and mental institututions her whole life... She died 3 weeks ago of an overdose. She took oxycotton and cocaine (in huge amounts btw, she would pretty much snort 1 gram just in one line), and this time she died.

I believe that sometimes you just can't change people like that.
Reply:if you are still young, harm reduction should not be an option. She can recover with some intensive treatment and support from very good friends like you. You could try to help her uncover any past issue that cintribute to drug abuse.
Reply:wow. im sooo sorry to hear about your friend. i honestly dont know the answer to your question and i dont think anyone else will on this site.. all i can say is ill pray for u and her.

honestly. shes the only person who can help herself now.. just be there along the way.. kinda like a shoulder to cry on. but if u ever feel too stressed over her problems take a few minute breather and just continue. its basically all u can do.
Reply:tell her how much you care about her and how stubburn it would be to continue her habbits.

Homemade pest repellent for my rose bushes?

PLEASE, I need help.

I know that for oleanders I can use watered down listerine, I tried it on my roses and it did not work.

I would appreciate only serious answers, thank you.

Peace and Love your way.

Homemade pest repellent for my rose bushes?
Jalapeno peppers... Pureed an mixed with a gallon of water; doesn't take many....the capacin burns on contact.
Reply:Chewing tobacco spit. No lie.
Reply:sort of depends on the pest.

A solution of soapdiluted with water sprayed on leaves is good for aphids etc. you could always go buy a bag of lady bugs.

diatomaceous earth is good for slugs
Reply:1st- If using hot peppers of any kind-WEAR GLOVES AND DO NOT SPRAY IF THERE IS ANY WIND-They Do burn on contact!

I put 3 or 4 garlic cloves in a blender, fill with water and blend until all smashed. Then I add a few drops of dish soap and pour into a sieve to remove any large pieces. Pour into spray bottle or canister and use every morning until pests are gone.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PERFUME/COLOGNE???? I just bought Azuree Soleil tonight and it smells great.....yours?

I just bought some new perfumes.... one of them is azuree soleil it kind of smelles like oleanders......its made by estee lauder. Other perfumes I bought were britney spears newest...2007 addition, (which I am going to take back.....it seems to smell different on paper than on me) and "diamonds" by giorgio armani...a very light fragrance. So have any of you people tried these fragrances???

If NOT......What is your favorite PERFUME??? or COLOGNE??? :)

My all time favorite is "HOT COUTURE" by Givenche :P

Thanks !!

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PERFUME/COLOGNE???? I just bought Azuree Soleil tonight and it smells great.....yours?
My signature scent is 'Pink Sugar' by Aqualina. I went to high school in a small town and no one ever knew what it was.. my little secret! I also love 'Promesse' by Cacharral (sp?) and you can't ever fail with Chanel's 'Coco Mademoiselle'.

My favorite guy's cologne is Dolce %26amp; Gabbana 'Light Blue' and Gio (I think) by Giorgio Armani. :)
Reply:Chanel's Coco Mademoiselle
Reply:all perfumes will smell different on paper then on you, the oils mix with your natural oils and pharmones.

i love DNA, PINK by victoria secrets, tommy, envy by gucci, happy by clinique
Reply:calyx by perscriptives. yummy !!
Reply:I've smelled the one by Britney but it didn't smell that good on me, versus when i sprayed it on the little sample paper. I've never heard of the other ones before. My favorite is prada...i love that perfume SO much! :)
Reply:i like mild scent perfumes of florals and/or citrus. my fave are amazing grace by philosophy and summer fizz by cool water.
Reply:pink jasmine by the Fresh line, available at sephora. oo. its delicious. smells like springtime, jasmine (obviously), my favorite floral scent. it is very feminine and delicate and clean. i dont like people to be able to smell me before they can see me, you know?
Reply:Your individual style and skin type is what makes perfume so incredibly personal and interesting. While I own nearly 10 different perfumes at a time (that I wear regularly, before going rancid) I always own a bottle of Coco Mademoiselle, and Estee Lauder Beautiful. My newest favorites are Lovely, by Sarah Jessica Parker, Sensi by Armani, and Omnia Amythyste by Bvlgari. I would suggest going to a Sephora store and testing out any scents you might be interested in, just to see how they melt with your own personal body chemistry. Hmmm... if heaven were a sephora store........
Reply:I love my 'Princess' by Vera Wang. Its soooo sweet, but really pretty and feminine. Plus the bottle it comes in is puurdy!
Reply:My favourite perfume - Hermes 24 Faubough. It's a timeless classic.
Reply:viktor %26amp; rolf-flowerbomb


the new angel by thierry mugler and the angel gloss is impeccable in its performance and wear!

new, sexy and very hot!
Reply:dolce and gabbana- light blue

soft and sweet
Reply:ive never tried any of those...i only use one by lancome paris called Miracle, it smells to good to me i just love it!


If a person wanted to trim a tall shrub or tree, what sort of electrical tool would they use & which one....?

...is the best?

My hubby said he needs a "chopper" to trim our 6 foot oleanders. For his birthday I thought I'd get it but I have no idea the cost, brand or correct name.

If a person wanted to trim a tall shrub or tree, what sort of electrical tool would they use %26amp; which one....?
any yard working tool , as long as it is gas powered , those electric yard tools are crap , I tried several , the electric chain saw was only good for cutting limbs about an inch or smaller in diameter, the only use I found for an electric trimmer was a decoration at the bottom of my creek , after trimming a few limbs with the electric chain saw , it was not even good to cut butter. by the time you buy the electric tool ,and enough drop cords you could have just bought a gas powered , pulled the cord , cut the wood , and be done with the job.
Reply:uhg. anyone who values proper pruning shudders at the mention of those things. ghastly. use a good quality manual hedger, and keep them sharp. the japanese make the best.
Reply:As a horticulturist, I generally stay away from hedge trimmers and the like because they dont prune correctly. I would invest in a good pruining book, a good set of long handled loppers and a pair of pruners such as Felco. It is the standard in the industry and cost about $40.

How can I determine what type of pest I have? .. and what to do?

I live in coastal NC and have noticed that not only are my well maintained oleanders are looking damaged (more so towards the bottoms) but that there are multiple sand hills in my yard (which is also fairly well cared for). Whatever it is is strong enough to push up small rocks from below the grass. Do I have voles or moles or something? And if so.. what to do? I prefer to be organic if possible.


How can I determine what type of pest I have? .. and what to do?
Contact your Cooperative Extension agent for your county. It may be faster to do a Google search for North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service and then follow it to your county, than trying to find their phone number in the book.

The agent there can help you ID your pest and may have a booklet on how to eliminate it.
Reply:I would take a picture of the sand hills with a ruler or yardstick in the photo to demonstrate the length and height of the hills. Then take the photo to one of these several options to get their expert opinion and advice on determining the pest and the remedy:

Contact your local Cooperative Extension office and ask to be directed to a "Master Gardener" for help with the pest problem. Help and advice is almost always available free of charge as Master Volunteers donate their time and knowledge to their community.

Or you can take it to either a nursery to get an opinion, though only the better ones will employ a Master Gardener.

You can try a nearby University to see if an "Entomologist" (bug specialist) is on staff to identify it for you.

As a last resort, you can usually find an entomologist on staff at one of the larger nationwide pest control companies such as Truly Nolan, Terminex or Orkin who for a small fee (sometimes for free) will identify it for you.

It sounds like it could be a mole, vole or even a very small groundhog to me. However, a picture will usually tell us what is going on. Best of luck!

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PERFUME/COLOGNE???? I just bought Azuree Soleil tonight and it smells great.....yours?

I just bought some new perfumes.... one of them is azuree soleil it kind of smelles like oleanders......its made by estee lauder. Other perfumes I bought were britney spears newest...2007 addition, (which I am going to take back.....it seems to smell different on paper than on me) and "diamonds" by giorgio armani...a very light fragrance. So have any of you people tried these fragrances???

If NOT......What is your favorite PERFUME??? or COLOGNE??? :)

My all time favorite is "HOT COUTURE" by Givenche :P

Thanks !!

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PERFUME/COLOGNE???? I just bought Azuree Soleil tonight and it smells great.....yours?
at the moment, i am obsessed with Euphoria and Euphoria Blossom by Calvin Klien.

they smell FANeffingTASTIC.

Reply:Nina Ricci and Secret Wish by Anna Sui.
Reply:Hypnotic Poison by Christan Dior
Reply:Mine is Davidoff Cool Water for women, it smells so fresh... I just love it :D
Reply:Intuition (for women) [NOT ON ME!!!]

Cool Water for Men
Reply:i actually really like the new perfume from gwen stefani, L

When should I trim and?

cut back my Oleanders? They were here when I moved in and they don't look very good; the blooms don't last long and not very many new blooms. I live in hot summer temp.

When should I trim and?
Oleanders only bloom in the spring to early summer. Cut them back in the winter, almost to the ground if you like, they will come back.

Be sure to wear gloves and clothing when working with oleanders, the sap is milky, sticky and poisonous. If you don't like the way they look, you'll have to try and dig them out and kill them with a weed/grass killer...

They usually do well in the heat, as long as you don't water the heck out of'em...they also need acidic food. (same as azeleas, some shrubs)
Reply:you have the same problem as me

i would suggest we should water them more and about the trimming i dunno either

movie theatre

Will the desert rose Adenium "Harry Potter" grow well in Phoenix AZ?

I have a grass type yard with orange trees, oleanders, lantana, western red bud and rubber tree.

I would like to know if I could grow this plant in my area and if it will grow next to oleanders.

I just thought my kids would get a kick out of it.

What tips do you have for growing it well?


Will the desert rose Adenium "Harry Potter" grow well in Phoenix AZ?
It can grow well if you give it enough room.

20 hour plane ride need _____?

I am going on a 20 hour plane ride and i wanna stay entertained my mom said i can buy 5 movies to watch on my laptop I'm gonna buy- Grease, Grease 2, Batman and White Oleander What should my 5th movie be i'm only 12 so make it pg or pg 13 preferably a michelle pfeiffer movie she's my favorite actress also what else should i get to entertain myself i was thinking of bringing a few bokks what do you think

20 hour plane ride need _____?
Reply:If you can go to Amazon.com, I suggest "Sweet Liberty" with MP, Alan Alda, and Michael Cain. It is a comedy, and rated PG. No laser effects, no violence. Just a funny movie about making a film in New England small town.

5 movies will do you for 10 hours of the 20. You will probably want or need to sleep for part of the time. It would be better for you if you kept your normal sleep pattern.

When I am traveling on an airplane I like to take along one of my favorite books. An old friend, so to speak, as it doesn't matter how fast or how slow I read it. I know what is coming, so I can just enjoy the story and if I go to sleep in the middle of it, there is no problem picking up where I left off. At my age I have about 50 or so books like this, so when I am waiting for my wife to get out of the hairdresser, or for the MD to see me, I take along an old friend for the companionship.


Reply:if you have an ipod, that would be nice to have...as you like batman, maybe you'll like superman or spiderman, both very good movies, but if you love michelle pfeiffer, i would recommend hairspray!!! i love it and michelle is great!

take a pillow, so you can take a nap, and yes, take many books in case you get bored of reading the same thing...also take a notebook to write notes or just scribble...maybe get a book about the place u are going to visit,, so you can learn while you wait.

take playing cards, or uno, cause u never know if you will make a friend or smth...and chocolate! and bubble gum 4 the hight...ummmi guess thats it!! have fun!!
Reply:a good 5th movie would be juno and try and bring a ipod that would help and if you have a gameboy take that also if not i would buy some games for you laptop to play after you watch all those movie and if you dont want to wait 20 hours and want to be there already take some strong sleep meds and before you know it you will be there lol
Reply:5th movie: "Casino" or "Goodfellas."
Reply:Noise-canceling headphones.

Travel pillow

If you get dried out sinuses, you might wish to take along some saline nasal spray

Drink lots of water

Pick the best 3 movies?

pick the top 3

One fine Day



I am Sam

Batman Returns

White oleander


What lies beneath

Age of Innocence

Up close and personal

Deep end of the Ocean

To gilligan on her 37th birthday


A Midsummer's Night Dream

Pick the best 3 movies?
grease cuz veery catchy songs

hairspray idk i just lyk it


batman reterns it is dramatic idk i just lyk it
Reply:1. Grease

2. I Am Sam

3. Hairspray

Michelle Pfeiffer fan are ya? I just don't understand Grease being thrown in there...She wasn't in that one. She was in Grease 2...which was a big pile of crap compared to the awesomeness of the first one!
Reply:1. hairspray


3.batman returns
Reply:for Michelle Pfeiffer's best work I nominate:

Married to the Mob

The Fabulous Baker Boys

The witches of Eastwick

I am Sam,

I haven't seen or don't like the rest.
Reply:Batman Returns


I Am Sam
Reply:a midsummer nights dream

batman returns

i am sam

I am Sam


one fine day

i am sam
Reply:one fine day

i am sam



i am sam

not a very good list though
Reply:None of them im sorry

I don't get it???...???

The book white oleander was published in 1999 but in an interview with michelle pfeiffer


she said she grew up with the charecters ??????

I don't get it???...???
It's a dead link, but possibly she means she's had these characters in mind for a story since she was young, and the ideas, characters and story matured as she did. Or, they were modeled after people she knew growing up.
Reply:She was either speaking figuratively from the perspective of an actress trying to explain how she developed her portrayal of her character and how she was able to relate that character to the other characters in the movie, or - more likely - she was alluding to the fact that she was very familiar with every character type in the book/movie. She grew up in southern California where the book is set. Lots of foster kids in this area.


If you had to choose what names would you choose? (any suggestions will be welcomed)!! 10 points!?















Thanks for answering!!!

im not naming a baby and im not naming a animal!

If you had to choose what names would you choose? (any suggestions will be welcomed)!! 10 points!?
Sora or Kai. Different but not TOO different.

So what are you naming?
Reply:Forsythia and Lavender are kinda pretty ......

the rest are kinda weird.

Edward is the most normal of the guy names,

but i'd us Joel ... i love that name!!

What about Shaylia for a girl??

Pronounced SHAY lee uh
Reply:Raven is the only one, but I think its because I know a little girl named raven and she's too cute.


They're the only two that are remotley alright if you ask me, but thats just my opinion!
Reply:Raven and Kai

what are you nameing?

What would happen if all of a sudden, everywhere, cannibas became legal and free from government regulation?

You know, like oleander or eucalyptus...

What would happen if all of a sudden, everywhere, cannibas became legal and free from government regulation?
The United States prison system would empty out like a vacuum bag with the vacuum on reverse.

Many people would take up smoking, or increase the amount they smoke because of the lack of bullying threats by the government.

Those already growing plants would have a boom in prices because demand would temporarily exceed supply, causing prices to skyrocket, but then would eventually crash the market because a vast number of people would grow their own. Dealers and growers would be out of business.

However, there would be a chain which would pick up its sale in the same way Starbucks did with Coffee. There would be a chain of stores which would import the best stuff from around the world and sell it at high prices. There would be a Pot Starbucks, someone would get rich there.

Traffic accidents would go up, violent crime would go down. The streets would smell very nice. Old people would freak out. Don't worry, it's not about to happen.
Reply:It would soon become illegal again. Cannibas is illegal because most of the public wants it so.

I don't think you'd want your next airline pilot or your kid's bus driver smoking weed. If it was legal, you wouldn't be able to stop him from doing so.
Reply:It's a known fact most ppl who use cannibas do so to see if they can get away with it. Make it legal??,, People won't use it as much!
Reply:That would be pretty great!!! Maybe alot of people would quit drinking alcohol, and there wouldn't be the high rate of deaths caused by drunk driving??My best to you!!
Reply:Everytime I think I've seen the most utterly stupid question on YA, something like this comes along.
Reply:everything would be better.
Reply:not much. the pharmacy would just pick up a new product line for those that need such things to cope with life.
Reply:id be stoned immaculate.

If you had to choose what names would you choose? (any suggestions will be welcomed)!! 10 points!?















Thanks for answering!!!

If you had to choose what names would you choose? (any suggestions will be welcomed)!! 10 points!?
Raven is my fave =)

If you are naming your baby Please don't call them Forsythia or Bluebell! That's just mean!
Reply:Venus %26lt;3
Reply:I like Raven....Kinda Kool :)
Reply:none of the girls names, but i like Levi.



Kai (really like this one)


Reply:Edward or Levi. I don't like any of the girl's names.

If you're trying to make your child stand out, don't do it with a name. Kids, especially young ones, want to fit in with their peers. And an unusual name is an easy target for others to use to tease and torment them. Plus, if you get crazy enough with the name, the kid will have to spell it and explain it to everyone that they meet for the rest of their life. The kid will grow to hate the name, and maybe even change it when they can.

If you want your kid to be special, teach them to be strong, kind, brave, helpful, courteous, and caring. It's a lot harder than just giving them a name, but in the long run, you get better kids that way.
Reply:Isolde - I LIKE ISABEL



Reply:Venus and Chanel look glamorous and special, they make the girl named like that unique
Reply:Auburn if she has red hair. Levi will just remind everyone of jeans. Ea is pretty,but too short. Edward is boring, Kai sounds anime-like and not bad if you want and Asian-like name. Chanel is cute, but common. Bluebell is for a cow. Lavender is ok, but too herby, Oleander is too long. Venus is too planety, Forsythia is definitely a NO. Raven if she is black or has dark hair, Hyacinth is weak-sounding. Isolde is beautiful and reminds me of romance-novels.

How about:Tatiana Isolde

For boys: Craig
Reply:are you naming a baby or an animal??

based on its pronunciation i would prefer Kai or.. Levi maybe!!they sound better..
Reply:if i may LEANDRe' OR ANJULA
Reply:Hyacinth sounds the best to me.
Reply:Isolde. It's a classic.
Reply:I like Chanel and Raven
Reply:isolde Kai i don't know why but i like how that name sounds
Reply:Raven is cute I LOVEE SIENNA its SUCH a pretty name =)?
Reply:Chanel. I also like the name Audrina :]

Any good movies out their?

okay soo im really bored and like i feel like watching a really good movie...

i want something off the lines of like white oleander, cruel intentions, american beauty,or the butterfly effect

anything simmilar

or if you have any other suggestions but its not simmilar to those feel free to say those too im flexible

but nothing commedy or romantic comedy

Any good movies out their?
Eastern Promises ( EXXCEELLEENT!..and this wasnt even my type of movie)

Virgin Suicides ( directed by Sophia Coppola)



Alpha Dog

Reply:Bourne Ultimatum

Bulletproof Monk

Silent Hill

Saw(all of them)


Austin Powers(all) (goldmember is one of them)

American Family/Mi Familia

Dear Frankie

Reply:deja vu is an excellant movie
Reply:If you like American Beauty, try Pretty Persuasion. It reminds me of Mean Girls + American Beauty + Heathers.
Reply:a really good movie i enjoyed was The Invisible.

its a really cool movie.
Reply:some great ones might be:


bourne ultimatum



in enemy hands

saving private ryan

deja vu

fire wall

live free die hard

youve probably seen most of these but there all good and worth watching again. hoped i helped a little

fabric boot

I need a name?

I want to name my child Oliana wich means oleander.But I need a middle name that will go well with her first name as well as our lastname too (Mills.)Please don't answer this if your just going to say something mean.

I need a name?
Reply:Oliana Renee Mills......CUTE!

? I Hope This Helps, Best Wishes!
Reply:How do you pronounce it?


Oliana ....?



Reply:I really like Oliana!!! = )

How about:

Oliana Patrice Mills

Oliana Haven Mills

Oliana Rowan Mills

Oliana Ivy Mills

Oliana Tarin Mills

Hope this helps = )
Reply:Oliana Hannah Mills

Oliana Morgan Mills

Oliana Oliva Mills

Oliana Teagan Mills (my friend has a dog named Teagan)
Reply:Oliana Danielle (or however you want to spell it) Mills.......I think that works well.
Reply:Oliana Madeline
Reply:Oliana is okay. How about just Oleander? I think that's much prettier.

Oliana Charlotte Mills

Oliana Zoe Mills

Oliana Penelope Mills

Oliana Jessica Mills

Oliana Tessa Mills

Oliana Lucinda Mills

Oleander Fiona Mills

Oleander Petra Mills

Oleander Danica Mills

Oleander Piper Mills
Reply:delaney kay mills
Reply:Oliana Noelle Mills

Oliana Lila Mills

Oliana Marlana Mills

Oliana Melody Mills
Reply:Oliana Elizabeth Mills

Oliana Reagan Mills

Oliana Kylie Mills

I think it is diffrent. I wouldn't use it.. But it's cute.

Good Luck

Big readers??? I need help?

I am doing a school project and does anyone know of any books about like a kid going into a foster care or getting a new stepmom?? The project is about living with someone new.

(I like dramatic and suspensful books)

Besides White oleander cause i already read it

Big readers??? I need help?
Great expectations by dickens
Reply:"Expecting Adam," Martha Beck, is good, almost on topic;

"Hope Rising" and "Bridge Called Hope," Kim Meeder;

"Anne of Green Gables," L. M. Montgomery;

"When Invisible Children Sing," Chi Cheng Huang, M.D.
Reply:I'm not going to send you to Dave Pelzner. Although many folks I know find him interesting, I find him predictable and shmatzy.

Try Bastard out of Carolina by Dorothy Allison. It was a finalist in the National Book Award a decade or so ago. It is substantive with historical background - of sociological interest.

Best wishes to a reader!!
Reply:how many times are you gonna ask this question

just ask questions once, answers will come
Reply:Jane eyre

Tuesdays with morrie in a sense. because he visits morrie after rediscovering him
Reply:A seris of unfortunate events?
Reply:Yeah a really good one is "A Child Called 'It'", by Dave Pelzer. It's about a boy who was abused by his mother, then people find out and send him to a new home right down the street. It's an amazing book to read.
Reply:The web site Librarything.com has books listed that are tagged with keywords. Enter foster family in the search block on it and it will give you a list of books on that subject.
Reply:Try "A child called It" A true story about a boy with an abusive mother who gets put through foster care, it's sad, but really well written.

Anyone enjoy reading???

I am doing a school project and does anyone know of any books about like a kid going into a foster care or getting a new stepmom?? The project is about living with someone new.

(I like dramatic and suspensful books)

Besides White oleander cause i already read it

Anyone enjoy reading???
Read Chinese Cinderella. It's about a Chinese girl who is the only girl in a family during the 1940s in China. Her mom died when giving birth to her, so she was always blamed for that by her dad, and even her brothers. Her dad then marries a very young woman, who is horrible to her. It is really sad, and a great book.
Reply:The Killing Game by Iris Johansen is a fantastic book, and kind of involves what you're looking for, although you don't get that impression from the synopsis.

It's very suspenseful throughout the book, and quite a thriller. Along the lines of a kid going into foster care, there's an extremely tough and street smart girl, 10 years old, who is in foster care and has been shuffled around from house to house. Through the course of the book (I won't give spoiler details), it comes to be that the main character of the book, Eve Duncan, needs to rescue her and her young friend, and Jane doesn't get a long with anyone. They have some rough times getting along with each other, and need to adjust to some things. This book is full of suspense, murder, mystery, thrill - you name it, it's got it.

Really fantastic, I think that you'll enjoy it.
Reply:The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. I'm not done with it yet, but it's great so far and fits your criteria----

Good luck on your project!
Reply:Great Gilly Hopkins, Paterson

Pinballs, Byars

Forged by Fire (?) Sharon Draper
Reply:What I Call Life
Reply:thunder from the sea

might be kind of babyish and easy to read though, sorry

What are some recommendations for beautiful poetic stories narrated in the first person for me?

I love 'White Oleander' by Janet Finch. Another book I really love is 'The Virgin Suicides' by Jeffrey Eugenides. They are both beautifully written stories and so poetic as well.

What are some recommendations for beautiful poetic stories narrated in the first person for me?
You might enjoy Katherine Mansfield's Short Stories - a lot of them are narrated in the first person and her prose is very poetic.
Reply:You might try Out Of the Dust. I can't remember who wrote it but it's a good story.

mobility scooter

Any big readers?? I need help?

I am doing a school project and does anyone know of any books about like a kid going into a foster care or getting a new stepmom?? The project is about living with someone new.

(I like dramatic and suspensful books)

Besides White oleander cause i already read it

Any big readers?? I need help?
There are several very good (but sad) stories of children who were placed in foster care.

They Cage the Animals at Night

by Jennings Michael Burch

There is another set of books (either 2-3) about a boy named David or Dave, who was tortured by his real mother and finally put into foster care. I'll check back with the titles as soon as I can.
Reply:After Alice

I can't remember the author, it's an Australian one, female I think.

I think it would be very appropriate.
Reply:is the person above me making a reference to perhaps a sequel to the critically acclaimed "Go Ask Alice" by anonymous?

im confused and would love to know the answer.
Reply:secret garden
Reply:secret garden is perfect but there is no stepmom or cruelty
Reply:the second child by John Saul it great
Reply:I dont know if these help but here goes--

Too scared to cry by Leonore Terr.

The two sides of the shield by Charlotte M Tonge.

Sue's story by Sue Owen.

The Iron woman by Margaret Deland.

Forensics piece needed! Prose.?

So I had to double enter in my forenics competition. I'm doing Dual interp and Pros. My duo partner and I are doing a sceen from the producers but I'm still looking for a prose piece. I had done white oleander last week in westbend but it was really difficult. There really was no story in the section that I did. O.O I'm looking for something like "Stones in the river" or something that's a story but also very strongly worded. Help wanted.

Forensics piece needed! Prose.?
The best way to find Prose pieces is to go to any book store and look through books of short stories. Some good collections for females are This is NOT Chicklit or This IS Chicklit.

My piece last year was called "The Crack Cocaine Diet" by Laura Lippman, which was kind of creepy but still funny and dramatic. (It's in a short story collection called "The Cocaine Chronicles")

Another great piece is "Snow Glass Apples" by Neil Gaiman. Some of the more dark sections of the story may have to be taken out for time and content, but it's also a very interesting piece--a twist on Snow White.

If nothing else, go for a Roald Dahl story (such as "The Landlady") or one of your favorite novels.

If you're in a time crunch, I would suggest focusing on finding short stories, because they're easier to cut down when you're low on prep time.

Dramatic Piece.?

I need a dramatic monolog for my forensics competition. O.O something like The last Chaper of My Sisters Keeper by Jodie Piccult. or White Oleander. If nothing like that I'm looking for the script to Juno. If anyone could find the last chaper of My sister's keeper if they could email it to me. my Email adress is Chels_fer_sure@yahoo.com

please! =[

Dramatic Piece.?
you should post this question for more answers!!! :-D

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Hey! What book should I read next?

I'm not sure what type of book I like - it's been a long time! I just finished the Harry Potter series. My favorite book so far in my life was White Oleander. I did NOT enjoy "We were the Mulvaneys" (Oprah...).... but... yeah. Choke was unenjoyable... but Diary seemed cool. I'm rambling. Any suggestions?

Hey! What book should I read next?
i liked The Warrior Heir and it's sequel The Wizard Heir
Reply:A Great and Terrible Beauty (fantasy and boarding school like Harry Potter)

Speak (this is sad, a girl is raped)

Redeeming Love is good but it's christian so if you don't like that kind of thing you probably wouldn't like it. It is based on the story of Hosea. It's about a prostitute and really sad.

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Uglies by Scott Westerfeld is a good sci-fi book

A Child Called It is about a boy who is abused.
Reply:Alot of people have that question, and I've answered it the same for each of you. Haha- I just keep copy-pasteing my answer for all of you searching for a great next-read......

The Twilight Series!! The Twilight Series!! The Twilight Series!!

The Twilight series is the best book series I have ever read. Each of the first three books hovers around 600 pages, and I was so engrossed in the story that I finished all three in four days! I couldn't put them down, and I promise you won't be able to either!

Here is the teaser from the back of the first book:

"About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him- and I didn't know how dominant that part might be- that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him."

Yes, it is a fantasy book- though my friends (and fellow Twilight fanatics) are NOT normally fantasy readers. Twilight is more than anything a story about young love- a story that will make your heart feel like it's going to jump out of your chest!

While the love story will make your heart swell, the main characters' witty banter and super-sarcastic humor will make you laugh out loud, and the ultimate suspense in the story will send thrills of terror up and down your spine!

Read it! You won't regret it! I promise! And then read the second book New Moon, and then the thrid Eclipse. Then you can read the forth book with the rest of us when it comes out in Fall of '08, Breaking Dawn.
Reply:You should read firstly The hobbit and then The Lord of the Rings (1,2,3). These books are very entertaining to read. If you love adventure like Harry Potter, you should read these books.
Reply:I'll just give you a list of some favorites, and see where that takes you. I love books with magic, like Harry Potter, so I'll give you a few of those as well as others. Here you go:

The Twilight Series

Sister's Island Trilogy

Poison Study By Maria V Snyder

Storm Front By Jim Butcher

The Glass Castle By Jeannette Walls

Three Fates By Nora Roberts

A Great and Terrible Beauty By Libba Bray

Inkheart By Cornelia Funke

Anybody Out There By Marian Keyes

Nineteen Minutes By Jodi Picoult
Reply:The Bible!!! It's awesome!
Reply:Read something by Margaret Peterson Haddix.
Reply:Definetly the bible.
Reply:What kind of books do you like?
Reply:I was not a fan of Diary. I liked Choke and Lullaby. I want to read Invisible Monsters cause I heard it's the best of Palahnuik.
Reply:A really good book is called The Serial Killers Club. It's a kind of dark comedy/ satire, and it's really funny (although gruesome).

Other suggestions:

The Ultimatum, by Susan Kearny

any and all Tamora Pierce books (if you appreciate feminist/female heroes)

books by Holly Black or Anne Rice if you like faeries or vampires.

Good luck!


children boots

What are some movies or tv shows about married people who live in a nice rich house and have perfect lives?

the house in white oleander was gorgeous. They seemed to have everything going for them.

TV shows or movies?

What are some movies or tv shows about married people who live in a nice rich house and have perfect lives?
The Addams Family
Reply:Well...As far as recent TV shows, The O.C. which is a teen drama but does have conflicts about married people. Quite a bit actually.
Reply:Back in the 90's that used to be the scenario... (Prince of Belair, The Nanny- and that kind of stuff. But nowadays, it seems that people prefer REALITY! Like King of Queens, etc...

However, soap operas are always like that- but not the perfect life part.
Reply:Perfect lives... We don't need T.V., we should have what ever we can live. That would be perfect enough for me (Post-op brain surg). But I would have to say "The Munsters or Adams family".
Reply:The Riches and didn't you just ask this question?

What books would you recommend to me?

I'm 16, and have a college reading level.

Some of my favorite books are;

The Diary of a Young Girl -Anne Frank

Cirque de Freak -Darran Shan

Hawkes Harbor -S.E. Hinton

Why Girls are Weird -Pamela Ribon

White Oleander -Janet Finch

The Rapture of Canaan -Sheri Reynolds

Harry Potter -J.K. Rowling

Choke -Chuck Palahniuk

The Vampire Chronicles -Anne Rice

The Outsiders -S.E. Hinton

Crazy All the Time -Frederick Covan

and many more!

I also love true murder stories.

So I am open for suggestions! Thanks!

What books would you recommend to me?
Woot I'm 17 in Ap Eng xD

so hmmmmmm... let's see...

Crime and Punishment - Dostoyevsky (should be great; reading right now ;].. and includes murder lol)

The Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger (I like it more than gatsby for some reason)

Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad(very dense %26amp; amazing)

The Turn of the Screw - Henry James(creepy and weird.. but I like it =].. like a ghost story)

Ordinary People - Judith Guest (okay to read though I forgot about it already xD)

The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald(great novel, though I don't like the beginning)

enough for now, I'm sure :)

happy new year!
Reply:The Power of Positive Thinking by N.V. Peale.
Reply:*runs up stairs for a few books*

Buffy the vampier slayer (various authors, serize book)

Alice on her way (Phyllis Reynolds Naylor....there are alot more books in the serize, but all by the same author)

How NOT to spend your senior year (cameron dokey)

Daughters of the moon (Lynne Ewing, i've read the first 7 already....their witches!)

EDIT: you'll find A Child Called It in the non-fiction in like the 300's(i think.....) because it's factual(and very scarry....)

sorry, someone mentioned that up a few
Reply:The Shopaholic series - Sophie Kinsella

Brand New Friend - Mike Gayle

Little White Lies - GemmaTownley

My Sister's Keeper - Jodi Picoult

Motor Mouth - Janet Evanovich

The Undomestic Goddess- Sophie Kinsella

Can you keep a secret?- Sophie Kinsella

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants - Ann Brashares

P.S: I love you - Cecilia Ahren [It's a movie too.]

Stupid and contagious - Caprice Crane

hope u'll enjoy them
Reply:Hmmm perhaps some Edgar Allan Poe.......A Child Called It iono who wrote it tho...srry :(
Reply:Checkout the Twilight series:


New Moon


Breaking Dawn (coming soon!)

The Twilight movie comes out in August of this year

YAY i can't wait!!!!!!!!!
Reply:You MUST read the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyers!
Reply:I recommend manga

like InuYasha or Bleach

adults like anime in Japan..
Reply:try Hemingway, Shakespeare, George Orwell, The Odyssey

try looking up college level reading books--- I'm sure there are lists online somewhere
Reply:the bible

i don′t know the name in english but it′s good book

Cantar de mio cid.
Reply:the Degrees of Guilt series are great!.
Reply:well one of my recent favorites is The Glass Castle and one of my other all time favorites is Ellen Foster
Reply:Prometheus Rising- it's a book essentially on how to get from here to there, but in a really interesting way
Reply:I would recommend His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman- complex and thought provoking!

very moving, too.
Reply:i am legend [the book] it's great.

and if you haven't read the twilight series, thoes are AMAZING!

then stargirl

is realllly good.

there's some possibilities

Reply:I too am 16 and in eng honors and these are the books i like, most of them are ones that most

The Catcher in the Rye-J.D. Salinger (Gerard's favorite)

by far the best book i've read in school.

The Scarlet Letter-Nathaniel Hawthorne (True tragic romantic novel)

its a soap opera with high vocabulary

The Great Gatsby- F. Scott Fitzgerald (i didn't like the beginning either)

lots of symbolism and i like the character Jay Gatsby

I read a lot of books by Michael Crichton and Matthew Reilly.


what i really suggest is to talk to a librarian or just search barnesandnoble.com or any other book seller website and browse by genre.
Reply:Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer
Reply:Princess Bride is a must.
Reply:Try the Forgotten Realms series by R. A. Salvatore is excellent. Start with either the Cleric Quintet or the Dark Elf Trilogy.

Demonica series by darren shan isn't bad if you're a fan of cirque du freak.

Jasmine lakes?

I'm thinking about moving to new port richey and I have an opertunity to get a house in jasmine lakes on oleander drive. Just wondering what kind of are it is, is it safe and clean? nice houses? thanks guys

Jasmine lakes?
I do not know much about New Port Richey, but wikipedia might


Hope I helped a little

What are some books that have a mother- daughter relationship theme?

I have the book white oleander and i need another one also. Something about the differnece of growing up with or without a mother in your life. and daughters or family relationship. thanks!

What are some books that have a mother- daughter relationship theme?


Which of these books have you read? Any you suggest?

After doing a project last night on banned books, I became interested in several of these titles. Now I just need to figure out which books I'd like to read... and, I would really like some help.

I'm a big fan of teen drama and the works. Some of my other favorite books are the ones such as The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Go Ask Alice, and Crank/Burned. Any of these you think I'd enjoy?

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult

The Pact by Jodi Picoult

Flowers in the Attic by V.C Andrews

The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold

Luna by Julie Anne Peters

White Oleander by Janet Fitch

Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes by Chris Crutcher

This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen

Looking For Alaska by John Green

Thank you! =D

Which of these books have you read? Any you suggest?
I have read Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

Flowers in the Attic by V.C Andrews

The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold

This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen

i loved all of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

Reply:Banned by evangelicals... a new one on line about a couple youngsters who challenge the great theologians. Fun and interesting and free. Gospel Enigma: and the Young Heretics.

First on the list at New Free Books.
Reply:Twilight is amazing! I loved it and I bet you will too! Basically everyone who has read it ADORES it.. and Edward. =)
Reply:Twilight freaking ROCKS! It's got romance, suspense, action, comedy...

It's one of the best books in the series and totally worth the read.
Reply:The Lovely Bones!!!!!
Reply:The Lovely Bones.

Twilight is a vampire romance, which I think is detestable.
Reply:The Lovely Bones is a wistful story about the loves and fears of a child...both in life and death.
Reply:i think you would like ALL of the Sarah Dessen books they are just what you are looking for. TEEN DRAMA
Reply:nice collection

i read twillight didn't like it

my sister's keeper very nice book but too much drama ,made me feel depress

the lovely bones must read it ,very very nice book i recommend that you read it first since i heard that they are doing the movie about it

white oleander saw the movie but good story its smiler to the movie if you saw it ,(any where but not here) by susan salnder

good luck ,
Reply:I'm a sucker for Sarah Dessen....read this Lullaby! AMAZING

Did anyone here go to school with somebody who went on to become a celebrity?

I went to high school with Patrick Fugit. You might remeber him from Almost Famous, and White Oleander. Not a total movie star, but pretty famous none the less. Anyone else?

Did anyone here go to school with somebody who went on to become a celebrity?
I went to high school with Ted Wass, the Dad on Blossom and Robert Urich, He played Dan Tanner in the show Vegas from the 70's. My ex went to school with Jim and John Belushi.

A friend of a friend of mine married one of the Doobie Brothers. (didn't go to school with him though) Another friend dated the lead singer of REO Speedwagon, Kevin Cronin.

I lived in the same town, not once but twice, as convicted seriel killer John Wayne Gacy.
Reply:Doug Flutie, older than me but he was going out with a friend of mine and I know what he is really like.

Tom Glavin, his family now never goes anywhere without mentioning who their son is if it isn't mentioned for them. I was next to them in a restaurant recently and his father asked the waitress if she likes baseball and was so pleased when she said I know who your son is and I prefer to watch the Red Sox.

Being famous is not the way to lead a fulfilled life unless you need all that attention.
Reply:No, but I know someone who went to High School with the singer for the Plain White T's.
Reply:I went to school with Don De Fore's son Ronnie(Don was the dad in Hazel and the neighbor in Ozzie and Harriet), and James Whitmore's son, Steve. My brother knew Dick van Dyke's son, Barry(both were in Diagnosis Murder) and Judy Garland;s younger children, Lorna and Joey Luft. Barry, Lorna and Joey were really sweet kids. Ronnie and Steve were SNOBS!!
Reply:I went to high school with Kelley from the Real World New Orleans. She is now married to Scott Wolf and they came to the reunion.
Reply:meryl streep's daughter. shes a junior.
Reply:Yeah, I went to high school with Keifer Sutherland. The school was Martingrove Collegiate in Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada. He sat beside me and I even let him cheat once or twice :%26gt;)!!

I don't understand a psychonaut game quote.?

Can you help me. I don't understand what Coach Oleander(sp.) means when he says "You're like molasses going uphill in January with crutches!" I don't really get the joke here.

Thnx to all who reply!!! :)

I don't understand a psychonaut game quote.?
REALLY slow, molasses has a high viscosity and moves slow, plus going uphill which is an exhageration and then January, where it is cold(er) and makes it move slower.. and then cructhes... yeah
Reply:means you are SLOOOOWWW. lol

Who knows good songs from the late 90's early 2000's?

From bands that arent too popular anymore in the rock/alternative genre. Similar to trust company, oleander, steromudd, systematic.. stuff like that

Who knows good songs from the late 90's early 2000's?
Try songs from:





Smashing Pumpkins

Puddle of Mud

Third Eye Blind



Reply:Heh what a weak period for rock. At the time, we were still inundated w/ boybands %26amp; forgettable pop acts.

Try Le Tigre.
Reply:Matchbox Twenty-Real World %26amp; Back To Good

Lenny Kravitz-Fly Away %26amp; American Woman

Sugar Ray-Every Morning

AFI-The Boy Who Destroyed The World

Red Hot Chili Peppers-Californiacation %26amp; Otherside

Smash Mouth-All Star

children shoes

Good cover songs?

Can you name some of the best cover songs ever redone by another artist?

For me I would have to say

Boys don't cry- by Oleander originally done by The Cure

Good cover songs?
Try here for ideas
Reply:Money, by the Beatles. Originally sung by Barrett Strong (over at Motown).

What would you consider the perfect murder?

No I'm not suicidal or homocidal, I just think this is interesting. And I need some ideas so I can kill...never mind.

Lol I heard stabbing somebody with an icicle is perfect, as is oleander tea. Anyone else

What would you consider the perfect murder?
The old inject - an - air - bubble - into - the - artery trick?
Reply:Not murdering anybody would be a good idea too.
Reply:OJ Simpson.

Out of these 3 words, which do you like best...?

for how it sounds, what it means, what it makes you picture in your head when you hear it or read it, anything....just pick one and tell me WHY?




Out of these 3 words, which do you like best...?
I like whisper, it reminds me of soft, sensuous sounds, of a tree rustling in the breeze...
Reply:I'm glad I was able to help you in your research. Feel free to contact me again if you ever need assistance again. Report It
Reply:my fave is oleander--it feels like it hits all the corners of my mouth (i cant explain it, it's a 'full' word, it rolls, i can dig it). Whisper reminds me of the sound of crisp cotton sheets sliding against each other

Lullaby is a tricky one---it reminds me of my mom
Reply:Oleander. Because they look pretty, smell nice and are deadly poison (to eat). The great pretender.

it reminds me of soft nuturing, it is peacfull and relaxing, a good feeling that is good for the soul.....whisper would be second, peacefull and relaxing
Reply:I like whisper. its mysterious and stuff. o like oleander too. but i dont kno what it means lol...
Reply:Well I do not like poisonous plants, so I will pick whisper, like whispering aspen or a whispering breeze I like the softness of the word.
Reply:whisper - closeness

lullaby - baby

oleander - white fragrant flower
Reply:Whisper softly spoken and no one can really hear what's said.
Reply:"Lullaby". Because it is such a soft, gentle, and euphonious word. Like a gauze curtain gently wafting in the breeze. The "oleander" shrub is poison, so the word does not appeal to me. "Whisper" is sinuous, like a gray fog snaking around ones ankles.Or a gray cat!
Reply:I like all three ,but since you want me to pick one,I'll have to go with Lullaby,it reminds me of a sweet little baby being held and rocked in a rocking chair and someone singing real low putting she or he to sleep,nice picture!!! YAH I'm a guy so what!!
Reply:The word "lullaby" produces images of 'mother' and very young childhood in my mind. It inspires feelings of comfort. I choose "lullaby."
Reply:whisper. easyer to say softly ,try it
Reply:whisper- because its secretive and sexy to an extent
Reply:Whisper... I like quiet and soft noises... kinda private and mystical.
Reply:Whisper because It's generally used quietly for example, to convey secret information without being overheard
Reply:Whisper - the wind

*whenever i write, because i love to write, i always say the wind whispers to me. when i stand outside and the wind blows, it's like it's speaking to me.*


Lullaby - memories i can't remember

*i don't remember much about being a baby, thus i don't remember lullaby's. but the word obviously makes me think of babies.*


Oleanders - death and sakuras

*because in certain countries (still today even) they kill newborn girls by stuffing the leaves down their throat. and we have ollianders lining our yard, and i'm always scared of them because i have three cats and a dog and i don't want them to eat it and be poisoned. so even though it's beautiful and reminds me of sakuras, they make me think of death.*

Reply:Whisper because it makes life feel softer and at peace.

it's peaceful, it reminds me of sleep and babies as well as the comfort of knowing my mother was caring for me even as I slept
Reply:oleander. there was this movie called white oleander that i wanted 2 c but never did
Reply:neither of them
Reply:Oleander! What a wonderful word! The flower is beautiful. I see a orchid! A bouquet of flowers that my mother wore on her dress (she wore it going to a special event) I don't know what it was! My mother died when i was 13. and i think i seen a picture of her wearing it! I have seen pictures of oleanders.I first heard of the word oleander when it was a movie title.It sounded lovely then!
Reply:none of the above
Reply:As far as pronunciation goes, I really like "Whisper". When I think of it, I see some persons hand swifting back and forth, It's just so feminine, yet mysterious.

What is your Top Ten Favorite Movies?!?

Mine (in no particular order)

1. The Italian Job

2. Sorority Boys

3. Mean Girls

4. Edward Scissorhands

5. Dumb and Dumber

6. 40 year Old Virgin

7. Valentine

8. White Oleander

9. Heathers

10. Clueless

ohh and Life as a House and Whats eating Gilbert Grape oops thats 12

What is your Top Ten Favorite Movies?!?
Sorry but I have 13 %26amp; I can never get sick of these:

(in no particular order either)

1. the little mermaid (disney)

2. sleeping beauty (disney)

3. van wilder

4. pride %26amp; prejudice

5. memoirs of a geisha

6. a cinderella story

7. ella enchanted

8. sixteen candles

9. the breakfast club

10. ever after

11. my big fat greek wedding

12. grease

13. spaceballs
Reply:1. Chato's Land

2. A Man Called Horse

3. Return Of A Man Called Horse

4. Chuka

5. Dances With Wolves

6. Grey Owl

7. Winter hawk

8. Grey Eagle

9. Dream catcher

10. Apache
Reply:1. Anastasia (animated)

2. Dead Poets Society

3. Ever after

4. Center Stage

5. A Walk to Remember

6. October Sky

7. My Cousin Vinnie

8. Good Will Hunting

9. The Rock

10. Cars (Disney)


A bronx Tale


Pretty Woman

House of 1000 Corpse

Devils Rejects

Devils Advocate


Reply:-silence of the lambs


-a walk to remember

the notebook

the dead girl

get rich or die trying

waist deep

um i dunno i like a lot of them i cant think of alot=p sorry

i like intense drama movies and drug movies;p

baby shoes

So guys, how do i get him back ?

Ever since i saw movies like... white oleander and how to deal...i've wanted a boy just like paul, or whoevr the guy in that movie was...but you get the point i wanted a best friend guy like that, the retarded thing is i screwed that up without even noticing it...i mean he's been there this whole time, and i've never relized it at all, i just kinda wrote him off as stalkerish or really creepy...but he wasnt being at all he was just doing what no1s ever done for me...been intrested in who i really was, and wanted to hangout with me and find out about all my funny quirks n even when i was mean he kept coming back trying to ge into my crowd and be a fried n when i was sad n really down he was there to do sumting retarded just to cheer me up..n when everyone would leave n do there own thing he came to where ever i was no matter how bad i was at my new found sport to cheer me on, even when his friends laughed at me, till i blew it, one comment about us being good togetherfrom one of his friends freaked me out n yes i got up n made a stupid scene half joking like a shouldnt have n in front of all his friends i said thats the stupidest thing ive ever heard n was all eww no...n left him there with all his friend doing that retarded guy "oooooo burn " thing...n even thought he wont admitt it i know i hurt him...he went on being my friend for the last week of skate youth n now he makes no effort ever to talk to me even when i talk to him...i dont know what to do to get him back...n i misss him soooo much...

So guys, how do i get him back ?
You can start by eating some humble pie, sitting him down and apologizing, not just for insulting him, but doing it in front of his friends.

Then you can finish it up by telling him waht you want, just like you told us in here.

Don't exagerate, just tell him what it is you want, you might be pleasantly surprised....:)
Reply:well, if you get him back, its gonna be diffrent. he wont talk to you as much and hes gonna want to give you a lot more space to avoid this from happening again. i think you need to see him in person with out all the instagators and lay it all out on the table. it sounds like youve fallen for him after you lost him and that sucks so im sorry. i hope you get it figured out.
Reply:Yeah.......you couldn't have done a better job if you'd quite literally stuck a knife in his back and twisted. Guys are REALLY perceptive toward what a girl really thinks of them, and the decent ones take something like you said as an absolute get-the-hell-away-from-me rejection. Apologize, do it privately to him, and tell him you regretted it immediately after because that's not what you meant. Then make a point of hanging tight with him in front of his friends. Good luck to both of you.
Reply:I have the best answer to your problem. Be there for him. Go out of your way to let him know how much you care for him. Maybe go out to eat or a movie. Explain to him how you feel. Do something retarted to cheer him up. I would especially do it when he's around the same group of friends you embarrassed him around.

Even though you may embarrass yourself, look how many times he has done it for you! The guy sounds like he cares for ya. Let him know how much care. Be there for him like he was there for you! I know you can win him back...by doing the same goofy things he has done for you to show you he cared!
Reply:You don't. YOu never get a guy back. They don't go backwards in relationships. What you'll get is a guy who has the upper hand on you because he knows you'll do ANYTHING